Regarding Humanities strives for Paradise on Earth
I would argue that throughout history, any advancement for Societal harmony had its roots and momentum derived from Christian value based initiatives. How? The Christian push for a better society has always been to motivated by the desire to honour and live by the Greatest command of “Love God and love your neighbors.” (Matthew 22:36-40)
Fallen human nature (Since Genesis 3) tends to relegate the importance of the former which perverted the nature of the latter. However, since the advent of Christianity for over 2000 years, the basis of relational guidelines of “Loving God, Loving your neighbours” forms the basic goal of mutual existence. For over two millennia, even though it is not perfectly executed, these two commands brought different nations and ethnic groups to see all humanity as equal under God and accountable to Him. Relationship and accountability of humanity to its Creator forms the basis of its relational ethics with one another.
The past 100 years, with the beginning of post-modern era, western civilization has slowly began embracing the epistemology and cosmology that forsake the Christian message. Christian message (along with its ethic and values) was declared as obsolete.
The devaluation of the Christian worldview results in the lost of the Christian purpose of motivation and purpose in inter-human relational activity. However, the proponents and supporters, of this post-modern philosophy, does not provide any workable alternative to replace it. Human relational activities becomes meaningless apart from meeting mutual biological and psychological needs.
The embrace of socialism and progressive principles may have its desire in the betterment of humanities in general. However, it comes with the loss of the “loving the biblical God” as it’s first guiding principle. The principle that regulates the intra-human relational structure and interaction. With its lost, each human lost its meaning and values except how its perceived worth for the benefit of others.
Thus, each individuals competes for dominance and superiority that favours one’s own group. Basically, chaos will reigns until a dictator emerges victorious through superior firepower.
In conclusion, history has been repeating this same storyline. Any semblance of order and progress towards human betterment has always depended upon the embrace of the Judeo-Christian value of “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbour as yourself.”
Sacrificing “Loving God” on the altar of “loving others”
will only leads to societal chaos. However, without the intervention of God through the Holy Spirit works in changing and reforming the hearts, any Christian attempt to reform the society towards a peaceful one will be meaningless. No human beings will be able to spiritually self-awakens towards God unless there is a Divine intervention motivated by His mercy. Here, those of us who have been regenerated by the power of Divine mercy, ought to pray and ask for God for the same undeserving grace towards those who are godless in belief and action. After all, apart from God’s Grace, we are the same depraved beings as them.
Remember 1 Timothy 2:1-6. The Christians pray and strives for a peaceful society in order that the Gospel may go forward. The Gospel that calls for depraved humanity to reconcile to their Creator God through faith in Jesus Christ. The Gospel, that saved us, is the same Gospel that will save the anarchists, the rioters, the evildoers, and so on.
* Originally published on my Facebook Post on June 14th, 2020
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